Career Coaching

Career coaching is a professional relationship between the coach and the client to offer support and guidance that a client needs in order to reach their ultimate career goals. 

SSL HR Experts (the coach) helps the client (job seeker) to explore their strengths and weaknesses, career goals and assist them organize steps that would make them achieve their career objectives.
Some of the services offered include;

1.     Making job seeker’s Curriculum Vitae more professional and appealing to the prospective employers.

2.     Presentation during an interview

3.     Coaching for young job seekers or graduates as they start their career paths.

4.     Executive and Leadership Coach

5.     How to get back on toes after a long career break

6.     Coaching on Soft Skills

Your welcome to contact us if you have any questions or need for information regarding career coaching.

+254 (0) 20 8052 995

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